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Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  name: "example-default",
  hint: {
    text: "This includes changing your last name or spelling your name differently."
  items: [
      value: "yes",
      text: "Yes"
      value: "no",
      text: "No"
}} />


Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "example",
  classes: "govuk-radios--inline",
  name: "example",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Have you changed your name?"
  hint: {
    text: "This includes changing your last name or spelling your name differently."
  items: [
      value: "yes",
      text: "Yes"
      value: "no",
      text: "No",
      checked: true
}} />

With disabled

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "gov",
  name: "gov",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to sign in?",
      classes: "govuk-fieldset__legend--l",
      isPageHeading: true
  items: [
      value: "gateway",
      text: "Sign in with Government Gateway",
      id: "gateway",
      hint: {
        text: "You’ll have a user ID if you’ve registered for Self Assessment or filed a tax return online before."
      value: "verify",
      text: "Sign in with GOV.UK Verify",
      id: "verify",
      hint: {
        text: "You’ll have an account if you’ve already proved your identity with either Barclays, CitizenSafe, Digidentity, Experian, Post Office, Royal Mail or SecureIdentity."
      disabled: true
}} />

With legend as page heading

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "housing-act",
  name: "housing-act",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Which part of the Housing Act was your licence issued under?",
      classes: "govuk-fieldset__legend--l",
      isPageHeading: true
  hint: {
    text: "Select one of the options below."
  items: [
      value: "part-2",
      html: "<span class=\"govuk-heading-s govuk-!-margin-bottom-1\">Part 2 of the Housing Act 2004</span> For properties that are 3 or more stories high and occupied by 5 or more people"
      value: "part-3",
      html: "<span class=\"govuk-heading-s govuk-!-margin-bottom-1\">Part 3 of the Housing Act 2004</span> For properties that are within a geographical area defined by a local council"
}} />

With a medium legend

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "housing-act",
  name: "housing-act",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Which part of the Housing Act was your licence issued under?",
      classes: "govuk-fieldset__legend--m"
  hint: {
    text: "Select one of the options below."
  items: [
      value: "part-2",
      html: "<span class=\"govuk-heading-s govuk-!-margin-bottom-1\">Part 2 of the Housing Act 2004</span> For properties that are 3 or more stories high and occupied by 5 or more people"
      value: "part-3",
      html: "<span class=\"govuk-heading-s govuk-!-margin-bottom-1\">Part 3 of the Housing Act 2004</span> For properties that are within a geographical area defined by a local council"
}} />

With a divider

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "example-divider",
  name: "example",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to sign in?"
  items: [
      value: "governement-gateway",
      text: "Use Government Gateway"
      value: "govuk-verify",
      text: "Use GOV.UK Verify"
      divider: "or"
      value: "create-account",
      text: "Create an account"
}} />

With hints on items

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "gov",
  name: "gov",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to sign in?",
      classes: "govuk-fieldset__legend--l",
      isPageHeading: true
  items: [
      value: "gateway",
      text: "Sign in with Government Gateway",
      id: "gateway",
      hint: {
        text: "You’ll have a user ID if you’ve registered for Self Assessment or filed a tax return online before."
      value: "verify",
      text: "Sign in with GOV.UK Verify",
      id: "verify",
      hint: {
        text: "You’ll have an account if you’ve already proved your identity with either Barclays, CitizenSafe, Digidentity, Experian, Post Office, Royal Mail or SecureIdentity."
}} />

Without fieldset

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  name: "colours",
  items: [
      value: "red",
      text: "Red"
      value: "green",
      text: "Green"
      value: "blue",
      text: "Blue"
}} />

With fieldset and error message

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "example",
  name: "example",
  errorMessage: {
    text: "Please select an option"
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Have you changed your name?"
  items: [
      value: "yes",
      text: "Yes"
      value: "no",
      text: "No",
      checked: true
}} />

With very long option text

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  name: "waste",
  hint: {
    text: "Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit."
  errorMessage: {
    text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum?"
  items: [
      value: "nullam",
      text: "Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus."
      value: "aenean",
      text: "Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum."
      value: "fusce",
      text: "Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis."
}} />

With conditional items

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted",
  name: "how-contacted",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"context-email\">Email address</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"context-email\" type=\"text\" id=\"context-email\">\n"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-phone\">Phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-phone\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-phone\">\n"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-text-message\">Mobile phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-text-message\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-text-message\">\n"
}} />

With conditional items with special characters

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "user.profile[contact-prefs]",
  name: "contact-prefs",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"context-email\">Email address</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"context-email\" type=\"text\" id=\"context-email\">\n"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-phone\">Phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-phone\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-phone\">\n"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-text-message\">Mobile phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-text-message\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-text-message\">\n"
}} />

With conditional item checked

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-checked",
  name: "how-contacted-checked",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email",
      checked: true,
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"context-email\">Email</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"context-email\" type=\"text\" id=\"context-email\">\n"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-phone\">Phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-phone\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-phone\">\n"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-text-message\">Mobile phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-text-message\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-text-message\">\n"
}} />


Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  name: "example-default",
  hint: {
    text: "This includes changing your last name or spelling your name differently."
  items: [
      value: "yes",
      text: "Yes"
      value: "no",
      text: "No",
      checked: true
}} />

Prechecked using value

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  name: "example-default",
  items: [
      value: "yes",
      text: "Yes"
      value: "no",
      text: "No"
  value: "no"
}} />

With conditional items and preChecked value

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-checked",
  name: "how-contacted-checked",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"context-email\">Email</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"context-email\" type=\"text\" id=\"context-email\">\n"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-phone\">Phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-phone\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-phone\">\n"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-text-message\">Mobile phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-text-message\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-text-message\">\n"
  value: "text"
}} />

With optional formGroup classes showing group error

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-2",
  name: "how-contacted-2",
  formGroup: {
    classes: "govuk-form-group--error"
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"context-email\">Email address</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"context-email\" type=\"text\" id=\"context-email\">\n"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone",
      checked: true,
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-phone\">Phone number</label>\n<span id=\"contact-phone-error\" class=\"govuk-error-message\">Problem with input</span>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-input--error govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-phone\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-phone\" aria-describedby=\"contact-phone-error\">\n"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"contact-text-message\">Mobile phone number</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"contact-text-message\" type=\"text\" id=\"contact-text-message\">\n"
}} />


Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-2",
  name: "how-contacted-2",
  formGroup: {
    classes: "govuk-radios--small"
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message"
}} />

Small with long text

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "foo",
  name: "foo",
  classes: "govuk-radios--small",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Venenatis Condimentum"
  items: [
      value: "nullam",
      text: "Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus."
      value: "aenean",
      text: "Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec sed odio dui. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum."
      value: "fusce",
      text: "Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec sed odio dui. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis."
}} />

Small with error

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-2",
  name: "how-contacted-2",
  formGroup: {
    classes: "govuk-radios--small"
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  errorMessage: {
    text: "Select a thing"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message"
}} />

Small with hint

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-2",
  name: "how-contacted-2",
  formGroup: {
    classes: "govuk-radios--small"
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email",
      hint: {
        text: "Hint for email address"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message"
}} />

Small with disabled

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-2",
  name: "how-contacted-2",
  formGroup: {
    classes: "govuk-radios--small"
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message",
      disabled: true
}} />

Small with conditional reveal

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "how-contacted-2",
  name: "how-contacted-2",
  formGroup: {
    classes: "govuk-radios--small"
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to be contacted?"
  items: [
      value: "email",
      text: "Email",
      conditional: {
        html: "<label class=\"govuk-label\" for=\"context-email\">Foo</label>\n<input class=\"govuk-input govuk-!-width-one-third\" name=\"context-email\" type=\"text\" id=\"context-email\">\n"
      value: "phone",
      text: "Phone"
      value: "text",
      text: "Text message"
}} />

Small inline

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "sort",
  classes: "govuk-radios--small govuk-radios--inline",
  name: "example",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Sort by"
  items: [
      value: "relevance",
      text: "relevance"
      value: "title",
      text: "title"
      value: "created",
      text: "created"
}} />

Small inline extreme

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "sort",
  classes: "govuk-radios--small govuk-radios--inline",
  name: "example",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "Sort by"
  items: [
      value: "relevance",
      text: "relevance"
      value: "title",
      text: "title"
      value: "created",
      text: "created"
      value: "modified",
      text: "modified"
      value: "category",
      text: "category"
      value: "votes",
      text: "votes"
      value: "flavour",
      text: "flavour"
      value: "hue",
      text: "hue"
      value: "happiness",
      text: "happiness"
      value: "funkiness",
      text: "funkiness"
}} />

Small with a divider

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  idPrefix: "example-small-divider",
  name: "example",
  fieldset: {
    legend: {
      text: "How do you want to sign in?"
  classes: "govuk-radios--small",
  items: [
      value: "governement-gateway",
      text: "Use Government Gateway"
      value: "govuk-verify",
      text: "Use GOV.UK Verify"
      divider: "or"
      value: "create-account",
      text: "Create an account"
}} />

With idPrefix

Svelte code
	import { Radios } from '@danboscaro/govuk-svelte'

<Radios {...{
  name: "example-radio",
  idPrefix: "example-id-prefix",
  items: [
      value: "yes",
      text: "Yes"
      value: "no",
      text: "No"
}} />